use Shopify Cli (Store 2.0) and theme kit

Hisinhan / Dec 23 2021

12 mins read • 8,000 views

Use shopify cli to develop theme

Shopify cli

shopify login
mkdir "shop-theme" && cd $_
shopify them pull

webstorem .
git init

#userful command
shopify version
shopify theme serve

Shopify theme kit

  • Install theme kit
  • Connect to shop
  • Watch update
brew tap shopify/shopify

brew install themekit

theme get --list --password=[your-password] --store="[]"

# connect to existing store config.yml
theme get --password=[your-password] --store="[]" --themeid=[your-theme-id]

#  Create a new theme
theme new --password=[your-password] --store="[]" --name=[theme name]

# watch update
theme watch